Coaching session – 60 minutes

2.200,00 kr Inc. VAT

How do I make the most out of my creative process?

Very often, it’s all about cleansing your mind from whatever’s holding you back and learn how to go with your gut feeling. It’s said that approximately 90 % of our best decisions in life comes from our gut, so the sooner you learn how to trust it, the more you’ll benefit.

Would you like access to your knowing and the tools to go out of your head and truly develop your creativity? Once you’ve gotten rid of all obstacles and feel your creative flow, you’re ready to monetize your art.


Gör business av din kreativitet

När jag inte målar tycker jag om att hjälpa andra se skapandets alla möjligheter. En kreativ process är naturligtvis givande i sig, men varför inte göra det mesta av din passion och talang? Folk köper faktiskt konst, tro det eller inte, och vad kan vara mer tillfredställande än att kunna leva på det du älskar mest i livet …

Mina inspirerande föreläsningar och kreativa workshops handlar om att forcera hinder och få nya perspektiv på konst och business. För mig handlar konst om att ständigt testa nya gränser. Ett sätt är att erkänna att ett konstverk till salu inte behöver innebära ”sellout”, ”fake” eller något annan nedlåtande ord som bara är en dålig ursäkt för att inte våga prova.

Tillsammans hittar vi kreativiteten och lyser upp planeten med våra kreationer!

Additional information

About Katarina

Once upon a time there was a young ambitious talent in the name branding business who just kept running until she finally hit the wall. Tormented and confused from depression she felt like she had nothing left to give and even less to look forward to. Today, It’s hard to believe that person was actually me.

My name is Katarina Nilsson and I offer business development classes and coaching around the world for groups and individuals – anyone who seeks to make a positive change in their life and career. By challenging status quo and the stereotypical point of view on business, I present a whole different perception. One that hopefully will make your journey so much more joyful!

What I can do is to provide you with the right questions.

But if you still want my resume, here are a few of my titles and skills:
Coach with an ICF diploma
Certified Access Consciousness Facilitator
Certified Joy of Business Facilitator
Certified Access Bars Facilitator
CEO of Eqvarium, a successful brand naming business
Master of Arts in Spanish and English
Speaks 4 languages fluently